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A beautiful green vous accompagne pas à pas dans votre démarche de développement durableGovernment Mandates and Notifications

Stay updated with the latest circulars, orders, and mandates from government agencies across India.

Mandate by State Pollution Control Board, Odisha

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Mandate by Commission for Air Quality Management, Delhi NCR | June 2024 Deadline

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Mandate by Gujarat State Pollution Control Board | April 2024 Deadline

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Direction No. 76 by Commission for Air Quality Management, Delhi NCR | September 2023 Deadline

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Mandate by Maharashtra Pollution Control Board | December 2023 Deadline

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Mandate by Karnataka State Pollution Control Board | November 2023 Deadline

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Why Goverment Compliance Regulations Matter?

To meet government regulations and reduce pollution, businesses are adopting blends of diesel, ethanol, and biodiesel. This move helps curb emissions while ensuring compliance with evolving environmental standards. For instance, in the automotive sector, diesel engines running on a 10% ethanol and 90% diesel blend can reduce CO2 emissions by up to 5%, improving air quality. Similarly, biodiesel blends like B20 (20% biodiesel and 80% diesel) can cut CO2 emissions by approximately 10% and NOx by around 5%, contributing to better public health and supporting global sustainability goals.

Diesel generators, known for their significant contribution to air pollution, must adapt. By integrating biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel, emissions of harmful gases like carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides are significantly reduced. For example, biodiesel can help decrease particulate matter emissions by up to 20%, while ethanol blending can lower CO2 output by up to 5%. This not only improves air quality but also enhances a company’s green image, attracting eco-conscious partners and customers who value sustainability.

Additionally, transitioning to dual fuel systems, which mix diesel with natural gas, further lowers pollution and reduces operational costs. Natural gas, being more affordable than diesel, allows companies to cut fuel expenses substantially. For example, dual fuel systems that use 50% natural gas can reduce fuel costs by about 30% and cut CO2 emissions by approximately 20%. Natural gas also emits fewer NOx, contributing to lower overall emissions. Adopting these cleaner fuel options not only ensures adherence to current regulations but also prepares businesses for future shifts toward greener energy.

Blending diesel with ethanol and biodiesel, or switching to dual fuel systems, offers a strategic approach to meeting government regulations, lowering emissions, and safeguarding the environment. This alignment with sustainable practices not only ensures regulatory compliance but also positions companies favorably for future environmental standards.

A beautiful green vous accompagne pas à pas dans votre démarche de développement durable News Updates
Stay ahead of the curve with the latest developments on government compliance and regulations.